Moss Engineering

33 Kings Lane
South Croxton
Leics. LE7 3RE

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Bearing Cages in process

Grinding a Crank Taper

'clocking up' a set of Barrels

One Stop Workshop


I set Moss Engineering up over twelve years ago when our Special Purpose Machine tool company 'Moss Machine Tools' which was based in Leicester succumbed to the economic pressures of the time.

I have here a small and very capable workshop in which i have done research and development and final inspection/assembly work for laser cutting and spark erosion machines for the Aerospace industry.

In fact this work was my bread and butter up until the 9/11/01 after which the Aerospace work ended and i began to focus on the challenge of making commercially viable the work i have done through my life for my own interest with a Racing 'Scott' Motorcycle. See Scott section for details.

In truth it comes down to this

If you want to find a solution to a problem you have or to improve a design or create a new component , this is a one stop shop.

I have friends and colleages who are pattern makers, specialist grinders, platers,Welders, heat treaters, hardeners etc so whatever it is, if it is more than cutting metal, contact me and we can discuss a solution.

We have the usual necessities of commercial life such as a computer with ability to receive CAD drawings via internet, printer, a scanner, phone, fax, video display and digital still and movie cameras.

Plus our technical library both hard copy and on CD © 2003

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